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Tuesday, April 15, 2008 

A Quick How-To For Article Marketing

Driving traffic to your site is important, and one of the best ways to do that is through article marketing. Before hiring a copywriter for your articles, make sure your article marketing campaign will be effective. Here is a look at what to do, and more importantly, what not to do with article marketing: Have a call to action ready. Your article may be great and get people interested, but if they don't know where to go for more by the time they get to the bottom of the article, you just lost a sale. Prepare a small blurb that invites people to click on your link, and make it compelling so that they can't resist clicking.

Know your audience. Your articles need to reach the right people. If you sell kids' toys, target the people with purchasing power: Moms. Know the demographic of your audience, too, such as where they live, their age and any other relevant statistics that can help you reach those specific people.

Stay focused. Your goal is to translate hits into sales, and that's important to keep in mind. Articles that are interesting may be published all across the Internet, but if they only relate to your product loosely or aren't focused on what you sell, people won't be interested in buying. They'll just be interested in reading. Have your articles relate to what you sell or offer - less hits and more sales is better than more hits and less sales any day.

Don't throw your articles at directories the minute you have them in your hands. Ownership is important, and the only way to establish that with the Google gods is to publish your article on your website first. Once that page of your site has been indexed by search engines, feel free to spread the love to the article directories at will.

Don't be cheap. Quality content matters. Haven't you heard that content is king? You need to make sure your articles are fantastic. Low-quality articles don't pay off as an investment at all. It's a better idea to pay a little more for solid, interesting and informative content, and the investment in good articles will pay for itself many times over.

Publish articles people want to read. Before ordering a run of articles, make sure the titles and subjects are going to be ones that people will be interested in. If you sell plumbing accessories, an article about the history of plumbing, no matter how good it is, probably isn't going to be worth the money you paid for it. Remember what people search for -information on why and how are big ones. How to fix a pipe or why do sealants start to leak are far better choices of topics to land sales.

Drip-feed your articles to directories. Slow and steady wins the race. Throwing tons of articles out into the virtual world doesn't do many favors to your site. Building up a regular, steady stream of visitors to your site is far more effective for business survival.

Use articles to barter. Getting inbound links to your site from other websites is paramount to online success and good ranking with search engines. Getting those links isn't so easy, but when you can trade articles - everyone wants fresh content - for links, your investment pays off. If those articles are related to what you sell, even better! If they're not, that's great too. The link you traded them for is worth more than you paid for the articles.

Hire a writer. While you may be able to write fairly well, chances are that a professional writer can do a better job in less time. Hiring a writer for your article needs also means that you can stop avoiding putting the task of writing off and focus on taking care of your business. By hiring a writer, you save time and money.

There are more tricks of the trade for effective article marketing, but these are the best ones to help use articles to drive traffic and increase your sales. Find a good freelancer who does great work, and strike up a relationship you feel comfortable with. You'll be on your way to better success soon!

Copyright 2007 JCM Enteprises All Rights Reserved

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